Introducing Sacred Forests: Original Beans as a Founding Partner

November, 2022

At Original Beans, our commitment has always gone beyond creating chocolate; we are fueled by a passion for making a positive impact on our planet. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce Sacred Forests, a new project started by our amazing Founder, Philipp Kauffmann. As a Founding Partner, we’re excited to be part of this effort. It’s a big step forward in our mission to support conservation and work hand-in-hand with Indigenous communities to protect our planet.

What is Sacred Forests?
Sacred Forests is a like spin-off of Original Beans, sharing our commitment to environmental impact. While operating independently, it focuses on protecting forests and partnering with Indigenous Peoples.

True climate solutions are found in the world’s ancient, biodiverse forests. That’s why Sacred Forests relies on Indigenous experts. Its first major partner is the Arhuaco People of La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, who protect one of Earth’s most vital ecosystems.

Since 2022, Sacred Forests has helped protect 80 km² of forest, now being rewilded and benefiting over 7,000 members of the Arhuaco community. The common goal for 2030 is to co-manage over 2 million hectares of rewilded rainforest with Indigenous partners. Rewilding boosts biodiversity and restores natural processes, both important to the Arhuaco way of life.

How Sacred Forests Connects to Original Beans
Although Sacred Forests operates independently, its mission is deeply connected to our values at Original Beans. Our ongoing commitment to sustainability and supporting Indigenous communities, as seen in our work with the Arhuaco tribe, continues through this new initiative. By backing Sacred Forests, we’re expanding our impact and reaching more communities and forests.

Why Sacred Forests Matters
Sacred Forests is all about tackling urgent environmental issues by combining commercial and Indigenous approaches. They’re dedicated to fighting climate change through forest restoration and incorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge into conservation efforts. Their work aims to reduce CO2, protect vital ecosystems, and honour the deep wisdom of those who’ve cared for these lands for generations.

Our Role as a Founding Partner
As a Founding Partner of Sacred Forests, Original Beans is honoured to support this crucial work. We’re not just offering financial backing; we’re bringing our expertise, experience, and commitment to sustainability. This partnership shows our mutual commitment to making a real difference and helping create a healthier planet.

Join Us in Supporting Sacred Forests
We’re excited about this new chapter and what it represents for our mission. Your support of Original Beans helps drive this important work with Sacred Forests. Together, we can make a difference towards a more sustainable and fair world.

To learn more about Sacred Forests and how you can get involved, visit Sacred Forests.

September, 2024

Tastes of liquorice and sesame blend as harmoniously in this chocolate from select-tribal Businchari cacao as the Arhuacos’ traditions to maintain nature’s balance.

Deeply tuned into nature’s harmony, the Arhuaco growers believe in a sacred responsibility to protect the earth. Your purchase of the harmonious Arhuaco 82% helps preserve their ecological guardian culture and ancestral lands.

  • Pure Taste

  • Climate +

  • Fair +

  • Compostable