About Us
Together 100% regenerative
Since 2008, we have ventured into remote rainforests to source the world’s rarest & fairest cacao beans and transform the cultures of chocolate, food and luxury. Today, we lead Europe's craft chocolate movement as a pioneer for regenerative business practices.
That may sound like a not-so-humble humblebrag. But we’re miles away from our larger goal of creating a food culture that regenerates our world. In the meantime we promise that our chocolate will be the most delicious experience you’ll have fighting for the environment, its caretakers and inhabitants.

Together 100% Regenerative
On our own we grow a regenerative business. Together, let's regenerate what we consume. Together 100% regenerative.
Sustainability in the 7th Generation
Fast forward 213 years and our company founder Philipp listened. He left his job at the United Nations and started a business that would soon become one of the world's first climate-positive companies offering something deliciously simple: amazing chocolate.

Sustainability in the 7th Generation
Fast forward 213 years and our company founder Philipp listened. He left his job at the United Nations and started a business that would soon become one of the world's first climate-positive companies offering something deliciously simple: amazing chocolate.

Our story
Together, We Regenerate What We consume.
When people call us “cacao hunters”, it conjures exciting, dangerous adventures in dark forests in search of rare bean treasures. Like the film version of a book, this is partially accurate, but misses the less cinematic, but most important trait of our trade: regeneration.
Unlike other chocolate companies who go in, buy what they need and then leave, our Bean Team stays. From the first meeting in a dusty village square to the moment when the growers are awarded “Craft Cacao by Original Beans” certification, we are in it with - and for - our partners in cacao.

From our community
Makers, Growers & Allies
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