Renewal from Crisis
Original Beans Launches the World's First 100% Regenerative Couverture
Do We Return to Normal - or to Regenerative?!
Finally... These were summer weeks we had all been waiting for. After months of Corona induced lockdowns, even the air felt different as restaurants and hotels started to re-open and people came together again. How about cold drinks in the garden of your favourite restaurant? And that postponed hide-away trip with your partner? It was time for us to wake up again like animals after winter. We might soon come back to normal, many of us thought.
And so it wasn't... Instead, the crisis is deepening. Nature hits hard against her maltreatment after people ate animals and carried the disease over to our kind. More than ever, things seem to be intertwined. From animals to diners, from rainforests to chocolate lovers. As the weather hits new records, we are urgently reminded how our well-being depends on nature. We are only part of her, after all. For our own sake we must "regenerate what we consume and preserve what’s rare" as our company mission at Original Beans puts it.
Regenerate Hospitality - for the Long-term!
“Every crisis hides an opportunity", an old Chinese proverb goes. "You just have to be willing to see it!" At Original Beans we watch with agony the crisis of our hospitality customers and friends. But we see them come out on the other side leading even stronger on the big stuff: nature, people and integrity.
As supplier to the world's best chefs and hotels we feel called to contribute. And so, out of the crisis, we are launching the world's first 100% regenerative line of couvertures!
Every feature of Original Beans Rainforest Couvertures is meant to push beyond "sustainability" - from their climate-healing carbon balance to their QR code that tracks ten trees grown per bag (ten!) in that particular cacao origin.
Today's chefs and hoteliers are acutely aware of waste streams, including food waste. We support their amazing progress with another breakthrough innovation: the world's first garden-compostable couverture pack. The new material is one-third more expensive at this stage, but we have decided to absorb those costs. We want to empower everyone ready to make a choice for change so together we regenerate what we consume.
Plastic Is Like Corona: It Spreads Where It Shouldn’t.
Nature wastes nothing: the waste of one creature becomes the food of another one and so on. Any packaging should follow this law. Plastic doesn't and so inflicts us like Corona: it spreads where it shouldn’t. 32% of all plastic packaging ends up in nature! If this continues, in 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish. How about a trip to the beach and instead of shells there is only garbage? We know that plastic has filtered in the water we drink. We simply cannot ignore it. “There is only one solution to avoid plastic ending up in nature and our bodies”, says Philipp Kauffmann, founder and Chief Grower at Original Beans. “We must eliminate it”.